Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Brthdays and A.S.B.O's

Today hast bin long und busy wid tedium und strife. Normal then.

planning for Maia's birthday at the mo, marking her transition from small to not-so-small-really-actually-quite-grown-up. She has shed her little girl pinkness and has taken on the skater thing. she so cool. So for birthday treats she gets a couple of hoodies, some combat pants and an a.s.b.o.
I'm going up to Lancaster tomorrow and then over to Hebden on friday to see ma mere et seour for a birthday tea kinda thing. a fabulous trip to swimming pools with waves and slides and all sorts of god knows what on saturday , then back to Lancaster to leave Moo with her mother and Gran and then back down to London for me. phew. I'm hoping to lure Jen over for some of that wayward excitement, but that sure is a lot of family to deal we shall see.

I have absolutely no original thoughts today.

Is that a good thing?

I think that it is certainly easy for us to get swept along in the great tide of 'now' to the extent that we are increasingly passive to our environment, be that intellectual or physical stimulation. So much so that we (I certainly) have to make a conscious effort to actually think.
I mean, I obviously excercise my grey matter quite alot on a daily basis, but how much of that is just learned response? an elaborate memory recall extravaganza?
To actually stand here and try and think about something real is hard, almost a non starter. That I've actually managed to get this far is pretty impressive.
Ah, these creatures of sense and experience that we are, tricking ourselves into stupidity while congratulating ourselves on how clever we are! Amazing!
we must all try and flex our brains a bit more, try and think about something we never have done, or always used to be too hard to grasp.
We can do it! and it will be damned amusing to watch.

Today I like;

Rice pudding
elastic bands
Arabic (written)
Naked ladies (the promise of)
ear wax in satisfying amounts
ultra violet
people who's feet smell worse than mine, alot worse.
ming the merciless
Einstein on the beach by Philip Glass
Those bowls of trouser detritus old people have on the mantel piece

The Cock List

Being invited to 'The Windmill' (a premier gentlemans club, strippers to you and me) for a two hour champagne reception. ace.

Pic of the day

it is made out of wool and stuff. jolly good show.


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